Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Book Storage

I randomly thought "why not show people how I store my books," so I took pictures of my collection in it's bookcases. I know everyone has bookcases that owns books, but I just want to present mine to the public. The picture on the smaller bookcase is of me and my boyfriend Ricky, and that is a strawberry butter cream Yankee candle.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Goodie but Oldie

I am currently reading Middlemarch by: George Eliot; I am telling you this because it is multiple books combined into one and may take me some time to read. I have become a slacker on reading and I'm sorry, but this semester I am currently taking 6 classes which is academic suicide. I promise that I will get a routine going with school work and recreational reading.

I should outline Middlemarch.
It is a true classic basing its timeline in the early 1800's, from what I've read it seems like an exact depiction of that time period. I am really looking forward to reading this, because any historical literature is my favorite.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
This is the last book in the trilogy The Hunger Games, I am soooo upset that its over because I fell deep in love with these books. This last book brought Katniss into more suspense and action then ever before, if there was any trilogy I would recommend it would be this. I'm hoping that this will be a movie in the near future, because there is no way anyone wouldn't become obsessed with the love and action.

Recommendation: 10/10